Watu wa Western


Elder Lister
Anapakwa jivu kwa matako
Tondù niaremwo kùiniria itina !

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Duke of Busia

Elder Lister

Upuzi tena Mara saidi.

In western just like any other place in the world ukikufa single si unazikwa tu kwani kuna kitu ingine

We (samia's ) in particular won't burry single mothers, in this case single mother ni mwanamke mwenye ame olewa na akarudi kwa boma yao kwa same graveyard na the rest of the family members. We bury them kando but si kwa fence

Why do we burry them kando, we believe every woman to be married dowary has to be settled so if you die kwa baba yako na usha lipiwa dowary ni sheria uzikwe kwako so we won't burry you then desecrate our departed ones while exhuming you when your family comes for you.

What happens in a case where you die without getting dowary, well dowary and matanga never expires na ile siku utlipiwa we will just exhume you.