This is Guka - Unferkinbelievable!


Elder Lister
Very similar to what happened in Tianjin China
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Hii ya muchina was 800 tonnes

Ingine major happened in Halifax Canada wakati wa WW1. A ship carrying 2900 tonnes of explosives to France went kaboom taking 2k people with her.
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Elder Lister
The cargo that explodes should have been moved 6 years ago. It was a ticking time bomb
It would still be sitting in another depot somewhere. There are millions of tonnes of nitrate fertilizers sitting in thousands of warehouses around the world. We can only pray that governments do a better job of tracking and monitoring use.


Elder Lister
It would still be sitting in another depot somewhere. There are millions of tonnes of nitrate fertilizers sitting in thousands of warehouses around the world. We can only pray that governments do a better job of tracking and monitoring use.
Nope. It was meant for Mozambican farmers so sahii ingekuwa ishakuwa utilised. Cargo, even dangerous ones are always in transit but the Lebanese messed up a big one by storing fireworks next to it, and apparently someone was welding. Kidogo kidogo, KABOOM