The Rich also Cry


Elder Lister
Haiya, is it over the same project, Roof Garden Hotel? Alirusha consultants na contractors wa hii hoteli. The affected parties should have also gone to court and get a slice of the proceeds from auction
Nope. I did some work for his school pale Avenue Park one. Some network for the computer Lab, some training for the 'would be users' etc etc...


Nakumatt was too big to fail. What happened?
Nakumatt, like Chase Bank, was a money laundering front. When the US federal government froze a certain someone's funds overseas he was forced to pull the money out of his 'legitimate' businesses here in Kenya, leading to the rapid collapse of the mall empire that had been thriving not due to good business practices but because of the endless stream of dirty money coming in. The auditor was murdered because he realised the books had been cooked and he was probably going to blow the whistle.