The black tax

Denis Young

Elder Lister
Well said. I would also venture a guess that the son must have suffered at the hands of his parents/absentee father for him never to have visited in over 17 years.

But in my personal view, it is an effective catharsis if you decide to break this chain of retaliation. If the relationship is not 100% broken down, do your best to look after your parents but without allowing them to exploit you. It does wonders for the soul and peace of mind.

Field Marshal

Elder Lister
This stupid culture is extremely rampant among the Njaruo and the Mbaruhya, which tends to pull the best in their communities down. Unapata the first born, a graduate teacher, is expected to educate 11 siblings and house them too when they come to Nairobi for college. Jamaa struggles for his entire life to subsidies his fatha ferking. Anaelimisha vinyangarika halafu sibling rivalry kicks in wanaanza kumuonyesha madharao...sad.


Elder Lister
It's out duty to take care of our parents to the best of our abilities.
Problem comes when they mess up then pass on the responsibility to you.
The fact that this guy goes all the way to court to demand for Upkeep, speaks alot about the situation and his character.