

Can an MP bring a bill seeking to zero rate or reduce VAT on select items or is it a preserve of the CS


Elder Lister
Can an MP bring a bill seeking to zero rate or reduce VAT on select items or is it a preserve of the CS
Do you know the role of mps in kenya? Do you have a clue how citizens can participate in legislative process?

Do you even know who your mp is?


Elder Lister
Bro I just need an answer on that specific issue ya VAT
Bro, if you know why you voted and importance of voting rationally , you would have known how all laws including tax are made in Kenya.

Your mp can bring any debate to parliament including VAT, it's not a preserve of anyone, if you feel VAT is too high, you can also personally petition parliament to relook at the matter. You can write directly to clerk of parliament and he will have no option but to table it to the relevant committee first.

(1) Every person has a right to petition Parliament to consider any matter within its authority, including to enact, amend or repeal any legislation.

Has your mp ever brought any matter to parliament for consideration and debate au tumwachie mungu?

Next time if you see any notice by KRA or parliament for public participation, just go and give yours, usinyamaze useme they are god chosen and have a plan.