Sodom and gomora #beingmodest


Came from a nat geo piece about the famous Sodom and gomorah lgbtq town near the dead sea.I'd like to first of all say archeology and being an historian are two very enticing hobbies and/or career probably something worth retiring to.Anyway a historian,Asian dude travelled these places whose name I'm not trying to familiarize. Anyway he was trying to find evidence of things that happened in the bible and trying to find a scientific explanation.

For those who don't know the biblical version Sodom was lgbtq our loving father then destroyed it and it talks about a ball of fire from the sky and the part of lots wife¿ turning to salt(may be metaphorical). Two explanation were brought forward.

The area is rich in sulphur,salt and lies in a hotbed for earthquakes (tectonic plates/seismic region)an earthquake sparked release of gases which were blowing up fire balls to the sky.The fire most likely caused by electricity generated by the earthquake.Also the quacke destroys the city.

There was a meteor shower(ball of fire)which fell into the dead sea setting off a string of fragment may have strayed into the city setting fire onto the lgbtq satanist.