Ruringu Stadium


Elder Lister
This is Ruringu Stadium , Nyeri. I get why the Census enumerators needed to know if I have a canoe. Because what is this??? Such a big shame...

This is for tears...! But we have been told not to write bad things about Kenya so we don't scare investors. Really!? HE... Please speak. We are SCARED. It is the economy, broken promises and unpaid suppliers. Respectfully...


Elder Lister
Work on the Ruring'u Stadium stopped because of a long running ownership dispute between the ASK show national committee and yhe sports stadia management board. reportedly ASK was to cede ownership when they were given the grounds at Kabiruini but they have been greedy, wanting both portions and have now been demanding compensation. for stadium.
Unfortunately, following up on mali ya umma is a tedious and slow process.

P/s I heard on a local TV this week that the dispute is now over and, hopefully, the work will resume if the cost has not quadrupled.