Principles for overcomming Hinderances to prayer

Terry gym

New Lister
Principles for Overcoming
Hindrances to Prayer

Today, reflect on these major hindrances to answered prayer and how to overcome them:

1. Sin:If we humble ourselves,
seek God, and turn from sin, God will forgive us
and hear our prayers. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14.)

2. Fear:Fear blocks our prayers by undermining our faith. We must accept God’s forgiveness and the new spirit He has given us—one of power, love, and a sound mind.

3. Guilt: To conquer feelings of condemnation, we must realize that God has forgiven us and has forgotten our sins; therefore, we can pray with assurance.

4. Feelings of Inferiority: As God’s beloved children, we are not beggars. We can pray confidently based on God’s Word, Jesus testimony, and the Spirit’s advocacy.

5. Wrong Motives: When we have our priorities right and put
God’s kingdom first, He will hear our prayers and meet our daily

6. Bitterness: God will not hear our prayers if we hold iniquity in
our hearts. We need to maintain pure, transparent hearts before
God and men.

7. An Unforgiving Spirit: Withholding forgiveness blocks our relationship with God and others. Ephesians 4:26–27 says, “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”

8. Broken Family Relationships: God will not answer our prayers if we fail to demonstrate His love and grace to our family members. We must reconcile broken relationships as soon as we can.

9. Idols: We must examine our priorities. Anything we value
more than God is an idol that will hinder our prayers.

10. Stinginess : Proverbs 21:13 says, “If a man shuts his ears to
the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.” Our prayers will be answered if we are compassionate and
generous rather than greedy and stingy.

Prayer for today
God the father, God the Son God the Holy Spirit Gracious and merciful father hear our prayer, turn our hearts and minds to love and truly worship you always. In Jesus name Amen

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Elder Lister
Principles for Overcoming
Hindrances to Prayer

Today, reflect on these major hindrances to answered prayer and how to overcome them:

1. Sin:If we humble ourselves,
seek God, and turn from sin, God will forgive us
and hear our prayers. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14.)

2. Fear:Fear blocks our prayers by undermining our faith. We must accept God’s forgiveness and the new spirit He has given us—one of power, love, and a sound mind.

3. Guilt: To conquer feelings of condemnation, we must realize that God has forgiven us and has forgotten our sins; therefore, we can pray with assurance.

4. Feelings of Inferiority: As God’s beloved children, we are not beggars. We can pray confidently based on God’s Word, Jesus testimony, and the Spirit’s advocacy.

5. Wrong Motives: When we have our priorities right and put
God’s kingdom first, He will hear our prayers and meet our daily

6. Bitterness: God will not hear our prayers if we hold iniquity in
our hearts. We need to maintain pure, transparent hearts before
God and men.

7. An Unforgiving Spirit: Withholding forgiveness blocks our relationship with God and others. Ephesians 4:26–27 says, “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”

8. Broken Family Relationships: God will not answer our prayers if we fail to demonstrate His love and grace to our family members. We must reconcile broken relationships as soon as we can.

9. Idols: We must examine our priorities. Anything we value
more than God is an idol that will hinder our prayers.

10. Stinginess : Proverbs 21:13 says, “If a man shuts his ears to
the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.” Our prayers will be answered if we are compassionate and
generous rather than greedy and stingy.

Prayer for today
God the father, God the Son God the Holy Spirit Gracious and merciful father hear our prayer, turn our hearts and minds to love and truly worship you always. In Jesus name Amen

All these are possible in an utopian society, hapa Kenya lazima you sin because of hardships in life.