President Uhuru kenyatta today in Ichaweri

Herd mentality is one of the biggest psychological deficiencies responsible for underdevelopment, diseases and moral decadence in many countries, not least Kenya.

The mark of a healthy and robust mind is to be able to make independent decisions without necessarily conforming to what popular beliefs are.
People who thinks that you shouldn’t disagree with others are responsible for propagating beliefs such as that one cannot avoid being corrupt or being bribed because everybody else is doing it. They are the drivers and enablers of corruption in our country.

Back when I was in School I remember reading Henrick Ibsen’s The Enemy Of the People which revolves around a Man hated and abandoned by his Society because he dared stand firmly in his principles and challenge euphoria and ignorance.
The conclusion reached by the protagonists is an enlightened and wise sentiment to the effect:
“The Strongest Man is he who stands alone”
By the way, @The.Black.Templar, I still have a copy if you ever wanted to borrow.

Kenyatta is right and entitled to think outside the box and make his own individual decisions without following the herd.
After all you have seen how we have destroyed our Country by jumping into a stupid popular ideology of Wheelbarrow and Bottoms Up. We are now all crying and regretting when it’s too late.
You are in your early 30's.