Martha Karua as always oozing wisdom. Admin pin this thread until election

Da Vinci

Elder Lister
This is a leader. I keep reminding people when the two clowns were suspects at the Hague she asked a very simple question- "which one of us would willingly employ a suspect in our homes or businesses ? Not a convict but a suspect? Which one of us would? "
She was saying those things because she was a competitor.

2013 to present Edit
Karua contested the 2013 Kenyan presidential election, under the NARC Kenya party ticket. New Kenyan law barred presidential contenders from simultaneously seeking a parliamentary seat, so she had to give up her interest in her somewhat safe Gichugu seat, with potential risk of being cast out of politics altogether (if she lost her presidential bid). She came in sixth with 43,881 votes, by all accounts a dismal showing, where to the surprise of many she trailed Mohammed Abduba Dida, a previously unknown candidate, who polled 0.43% against her own 0.38% of the total presidential votes cast.[16]

It's Me Scumbag

Elder Lister
The grave mistake that she did was to go for presidency instead of gubernatorial seat only to realise later of her miscalculations and coming for the same seat during last elections. By now she could be a two term governor. That post was hers.
Peter Kenneth and her are cut from the same cloth..pride
Pris pris pris...lumping the 'only man in Kibaki's gavament' with that tiktok instapresident lightskined character is bismirching her reputation. Cease and desist.
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It's Me Scumbag

Elder Lister
It is not pride. It is a feeling that going back to a personal milestone she had surpassed is inimical to her self actualization.
Mwalimu,at times its good for you to step out of character...mwambie tu ni kama yeye kuona vigumu kurudi form four or NIBS. Pedestrain language sire...


Elder Lister
Mwalimu,at times its good for you to step out of character...mwambie tu ni kama yeye kuona vigumu kurudi form four or NIBS. Pedestrain language sire...
Mbona unamu-huthia ?. He's not complaining....

mbona mlipatia yeye another lap?
Demographics and deal-making. Halafu the Luuyia subtribes have jealousies they'd rather vote for a non-luhya than one from a rival clan. The woman rape is a Mkamba...