Kusema na Kutenda


Elder Lister
Ukichinja, the blood goes down to the meat, inaharibu ladha, from my 1994 form two Agriculture, hence you have to strangle au gonga kichwa, which I did when I wasa rabbit farmer them days, now I cant strangle juu ya huruma
I think knocking it out is a swifter death than cutting the throat.
And can you slaughter a goat?

Kamau wa Kíríro

Elder Lister
Ukichinja, the blood goes down to the meat, inaharibu ladha, from my 1994 form two Agriculture, hence you have to strangle au gonga kichwa, which I did when I wasa rabbit farmer them days, now I cant strangle juu ya huruma
What about the haunting screams/screeching when slaughtering without knocking the sunguch out?


Elder Lister
Wish you the best, with the rains around you are sure to get enough greens to feed the fuckers, start preparing your target market as well
And still compliment with pellets. He needs to change the structure to take care of urine. His fundi didn't advise msito