IT Techies Kujeni kidogo


Elder Lister understand this.
WhatsApp group may only contain 256 members at most. This is coz of the design of their contacts storage which uses 8 bits this translating to 256 users.
My question is, why use 8 bits? Why not use 16? Or 32? Is an app designed on 8bits cheaper or why would they do such a thing?

It's Me Scumbag

Elder Lister


Elder Lister
It was a design decision. i386 processor that was introduced in 1985 is 32 bit meaning that you can natively load addresses and manipulate them without an extra cycle. In any case, a WhatsApp message takes more time "on the wire" . It takes more time to transmit the message then it takes to resolve addresses. Don't also forget the little detail of encryption. A story for another day.