

Elder Lister
Looks like many parts of the country are underwater. Crazy thing is the rains aren't to blame as much as poor drainage and the encroaching of riparian lands.
This is Mlolongo as seen from the SGR.

What is also puzzling is the lack of coordinated response to mitigate the disaster that is unfolding before our eyes.

Field Marshal

Elder Lister
Choices have consequences....I have said it here endlessly that the average Kenyan doesn't seem to under the basic concept of cause and effect.

I don't know where people expect water to go when they build on every natural water way.....

Now the soil is totally drenched, ngoja uone miporomoko ya manyumba...so predictable....


Elder Lister
500K Tender


The outboard engine maybe rotting somewhere, or driving another boat in Lake Sango, or maybe it was never delivered.


Nairobi county government estimates to spend at least one billion shillings in alleviating the effects of El Niño rains that the weatherman has predicted to start anytime this month.
On disaster preparedness during El Niño, the county government is in the process of purchasing inflatable and motorboats ahead of El Niño in the next one week apart from offering psychosocial support and counselling to not only those affected by climate and ecological grief but also the county staff on the front-line.


I am not a Futurama fan .
We really are a nation of taxpayers who rely on private solutions and philanthropic gestures to address public issues.
Not looking good hapa mtaani .The only bridge that links our area to Ruiru constituency iko chini ya maji . Funded by the residents pockets .We had an opportunity to have a better one but our area MP wakavurugana na Wamatanks .