Dear men: Paying your wife’s school fees is an investment

Dear men, if you can afford, please pay school fees for your wife. It is an investment - ask Abel Mutua.

A creative director, YouTuber and actor who is well know by his subscribers as ‘Mkurugenzi’ confessed that he paid for his wife’s college fees.(her final semester)

In a YouTube live, Abel Mutua brought his wife on set to talk about their love story from how they met and how it is going.

When his wife Judy Nyawira was in her final year at KIMC, she got pregnant and Abel took it as his responsibility to take care of all her needs. He has to travel to his wife’s home to inform the mother about the latest developments.

Judy Nyawira’s mum accepted him one of her children and that was the beginning of their life together.

Fast forward to years later, Abel Mutua left his acting roll at Tahidi High and couldn’t provide for this family since he had no job. The wife didn’t leave him, but instead steeped up and continued providing for the family.

Abel Mutua later left Real Househelps of Kawangware and Judy stepped up again as the breadwinner. They have a daughter, who turned 10yrs in January.

At this time, Judy was employed by Njungush Creatives as a talent manager and she could buy everything in the house as the husband was still job hunting. She also had her side gigs

She stood by him through thick and thin and it goes back to when Abel stood by her when he paid Judy’s school fees.

Moral of the story: Invest in your wife, you’ll never regret it.

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Elder Lister
This doesn't apply to all people, it's a kind thing though, always do it without expectations otherwise, we gonna see you on the news