Coming 2 America


Elder Lister

This movie is a trainwreck. Every trope and stereotype you'd expect is in this 108min garbage fire atrocity.
Not to mention the ridiculous number of cameos of any black celebs who wanted to appear on camera just to get out of the house because of corona.
If you enjoyed the original back in the day, give this visual fecal fest a miss and remember what was good about the first one and never acknowledge that this abomination exists.



Elder Lister
I think the movie is entertaining to Americans for it promotes African stereotypes. At the nd of the day, it's a comedy and should be taken as such, la sivyo we will be offended by everything and anything. I don't plan to watch it coz it's not really my genre.
I had a good laugh watching Borat 2 yesterday..and I don't think the Kazakhs were annoyed at the crude potrayal.


Elder Lister
I tried watching and couldn't go beyond the first five minutes. It's the very definition of trashy.

I mean, the original one!


I liked the initial on better. The second one was really hyped but I never got to enjoy it as I enjoyed the first one.