Aibu kubwa kwa chicken inn


Elder Lister
Ameoewa nynya to keep him warm at night
Not a proponent but once upon a time in Satafrika, luck smiled on such a couple

Corporates came through for them big time

Guess lady luck was on their side. Truth is, you can't propose without knowing if she'll say yes, if you're in doubt, then hakuuuna haja.


Elder Lister
I believe proposals should be a private matter.
What happened to the 'There is no need to pay rent for two houses' proposal?
Agreed. They should be private but I'm against cohabitation. The process of getting engaged, honouring each other families by way of traditional wedding and getting the marriage blessed by way of one's religious inclination is what I advocate for.
Essentially, the choice of spouse is the most important decision one can make in life. Might not always work out but marriage is a beautiful thing.