500 samples tasted, 16 cases positive.


Elder Lister
Staff member
Remember those poor sods who were forced into quarantine after arriving at JKIA? They have become the breeding pool.

A British doctor says: "In Britain, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's liver, put it in another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for a job."

The German doctor says: "That's nothing,
in Germany we took part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for a job."

The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we took half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for a job."

The American doctor laughs: "You are all behind us. A few years ago, we took a man with no brain, no heart, and no liver and made him President.

Now, the whole country is looking for a job!"


Elder Lister

Families of patients who succumb to coronavirus must bury them within 24 hours; mourners restricted to 15 - Health CAS Dr. Mwangangi.
Dr mwangangi is a sure bet by jubilee sharp and pleasing to the eyes.


Elder Lister
Kijana sio temperature. Temperature I do daily but up to now I haven't been tested due to the reason I have given.
You assume that I am talking about temperature? and don't call me Kijana young man, I am 5 years past the bracket, I was lastly reffered to as one 10 years ago.