5 teachers and 68 students from Bahati Girls Secondary School, Nakuru County test positive for COVID-19,


New Lister
Serikali especially magoha is hellbent watoto wakae shule while and are busy comparing our students with countries whose infrastructure and policies we cannot match. Hope it won't get any worse by students dying. Most of them their children learn in high end international schools anyway so why should they care


Elder Lister
The education ministry should have taken the months since March to prepare for the worst case scenarios.
If schools never open, or if schools open, what options and routes to to take.
Seems all this time, nothing has been happening as usual, our wait and see attitude, without meaningful, impactful plans.
Testing positive isn't a big deal, for all that matters, we could all be positive. Issue is, are the infections severe or manageable with quarantine.