Recent content by milvoski

  1. milvoski

    Did wakaredio have to kill ktalk?

    Ghasia takataka ya manispaa
  2. milvoski

    Did wakaredio have to kill ktalk?

    I think They sold it to the highest bidder, and it was a big sum offered. for fuck's sake.
  3. milvoski

    FA Cup Final

    VAR has proved its usefuleness once again. TOJ
  4. milvoski

    Turedio amezima server

    Nipewe stool as we await storms to clear overhead the busier airport :coffee:
  5. milvoski

    Jose Murinho Sacked

    Pogba hung him out to dry and that was the straw that broke the old camel.
  6. milvoski

    AoB 16st Febyuary, 2021

  7. milvoski

    Osungu.dll Awards 2020

    Let me not challenge your crosshatching skills ghasia
  8. milvoski

    How to eat a pomegranate.

    He should make a tart tartin pomegranate soufflé with macerated strawberries.
  9. milvoski

    Srooow Sataday Evening

    Soiling the aviator name since the mesozoic era. Ghasia wewe
  10. milvoski

    This is Guka - Damn, Its December! Ferk 2020!

    I was never hurt but I loathe the BBW tag that women claim yet the female form is meant to be seamless, idyllic and bulbous when awarded some effort. Comprende?
  11. milvoski

    This is Guka - Damn, Its December! Ferk 2020!

    Big deal. You can't pull the strings on the marriage sof shape up (shed the extra pounds) or ship out. I imagine the latter will befall you as opposed to you taking the fall.
  12. milvoski

    This is Guka - Damn! This is Why You Should Send Me Your Last Coin Even if Broke. You are Lucky!

    Can't support an old geezer's drinking habit. Labda I buy you some XL depends.
  13. milvoski


    It's a façade sold to you in telenovellas madam.
  14. milvoski

    Gunia Wiki Hii: The Downgrade

    This guy. Nice to see your creativity has spiked.
  15. milvoski


    The Corona has fully attacked the old domicile.