What are you reading?....Part 1

It's Me Scumbag

Elder Lister
I have a Kindle reader, but for some reason am just liking physical books more. I think there is something to flipping a book than sweeping a device!
True. I do not read biographies and inspirational books. If I need inspiration I just need to look at my son and I find all the inspiration I need...fiction is what I do. Physically and pdf too when I can't get my hands on a book!


Elder Lister
Unlike the MCA's pale Chaotic County Assembly, Senators here are supposed to be or thought to be constantly reading. Now good people, lets share what books we like, and are currently reading. You might never know what might come up. I will go first. I like biographies, Historical, True Crime and Religious Origins. Cant read fiction!!. Currently reading Alex Ferguson, My Autobiography

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