Elder Lister
There's a famous satellite image taken above the borderline of DR (Dominican Republic) and Haiti. Two nations that share a border but are as different as Kasongo and @Okiya. Sorry, couldn't help it.
Here it is:
Clearly, the nation that the aforementioned Kasongo sent our troops using our own taxes has done a good amount of deforestation, which we all know the consequences of.
Now, I have just seen a similarly shocking image between our border with our majirani to the south-west. Here it is:
Surely it can't be, huh?
So I did my own simple search on Maps since the above image is from 2018 and guess what?
Yaani pande yetu, as @Clemens would say, tumeguuula bila huruma. Perhaps we are such a greedy lot and the rot on top mirrors most of us as a people.
Have a reflective day, shall you...
Here it is:
Clearly, the nation that the aforementioned Kasongo sent our troops using our own taxes has done a good amount of deforestation, which we all know the consequences of.
Now, I have just seen a similarly shocking image between our border with our majirani to the south-west. Here it is:
Surely it can't be, huh?
So I did my own simple search on Maps since the above image is from 2018 and guess what?
Yaani pande yetu, as @Clemens would say, tumeguuula bila huruma. Perhaps we are such a greedy lot and the rot on top mirrors most of us as a people.
Have a reflective day, shall you...