Kenya behaving like Haiti


Elder Lister
There's a famous satellite image taken above the borderline of DR (Dominican Republic) and Haiti. Two nations that share a border but are as different as Kasongo and @Okiya. Sorry, couldn't help it.

Here it is:

Clearly, the nation that the aforementioned Kasongo sent our troops using our own taxes has done a good amount of deforestation, which we all know the consequences of.

Now, I have just seen a similarly shocking image between our border with our majirani to the south-west. Here it is:

Surely it can't be, huh?

So I did my own simple search on Maps since the above image is from 2018 and guess what?

Yaani pande yetu, as @Clemens would say, tumeguuula bila huruma. Perhaps we are such a greedy lot and the rot on top mirrors most of us as a people.

Have a reflective day, shall you...
I saw some documentary on YouTube watu wa Haiti go to Dominican Republic to sell stuff in the market. But they are kept at the border until the locals sell their stuff first then they are allowed in.

Then there are some children who were born in Dominican Republic but their grandparents were Haitians. Their citizenship was revoked wakaambiwa waende Haiti.
The french who colonized Haiti made the people slaves and did extensive commercial agriculture until the land was became worthless and gave Haiti their independence thereafter. Watu bladifakin.
Whereas The Spanish colonised Dominican republic but didn't do commercial farming but assimilated them into their culture, even intermarrying the local people making the country like spain
They also shipped away any useful hardware and permanently vandalized anything they couldn't carry. Very spiteful.

They are also known to pour cement into sewer systems.
Even more infuriating was France's demand of 150 million francs from Haiti for France's loss of plantation assets and revenues. This debt was cleared 122 years later and cost Haiti the equivalent of US $20 billion in today's money.