World’s first hangover cure pill


New Lister

A new "hangover-curing pill" has launched in the UK claiming to break down alcohol consumed before it hits the liver. The pill, a new project from Swedish brand Myrkl, is said to break down 70% of alcohol in the body after just 60 minutes reducing the effects of a hangover.

The anti-hangover supplement is currently only available to buy online, at £30 for 30 pills, and consists of two pills. According to Myrkl, the first tablet is designed to be taken 12 hours before drinking, while the second should be taken an hour before a night of drinking begins.

However, despite these pills bringing hopes of finally putting an end to weekends ruined by nausea, headaches and regret – many are sceptical of their efficiency. “As the evidence stands there are no products that can prevent or cure a hangover,” Sally Adams, an associate professor from the University of Birmingham’s School of Psychology, told Euronews Next.

Adams highlights how the science behind a hangover is holistic with many factors at play, making finding a "hangover cure" particularly challenging. “When we think about hangovers it's easy to think they’re simply from being too dehydrated,” she said.

“It’s dehydration; a headache; a balance or imbalance of electrolytes; stomach and small intestines irritation – these are very complex processes for one product to be able to deliver on,” she added.