Why you should keep your relationship off social media

If you are in a relationship, you have probably posted your girlfriend or is planning to. Not everything belongs to the internet including your relationship.

While you were hitting on each other, you didn't inform the internet, and you probably not inform the internet if your relationship ends in tears.

Here's is why you should keep your relationship between your partner and you.

1. You're giving people access to your private life

Being private may certainly not be present in some people's dictionary but learn to keep everything private. Your relationship may become famous, and popular in people's mouths. That means gossiping about your body shapes and how you don't look good together would be the order of the day. It is your social media page and you can post what you want but you wouldn't want to expose your partner and you are both cheating on each other.

2. Your relationship will be sabotaged

Believe me or not, not so many people are happy that you are in a relationship. They are waiting patiently for your breakup and try and get a chance with you. People are full of hate, your comment section may expose your past that your partner didn't know or something you were planning on telling them, and they end up breaking up with you. Stories might be made up to sabotage your relationship.

3. You're exposing your partner to dramas

Exes are notorious on social media, they are always on the comment section commenting about unnecessary stuff, just to get your attention. Your partner is human and has feelings, trust me this will cause drama in your relationship.

4. You pose as a perfect couple

No couple is perfect, and confusing the internet by posting how your relationship is perfect is wrong. This could be bad if you break up because everyone will be mocking you.

5. You don't live in the moment

Your focus is on how to take good photos and post them on social media. You tend to focus on taking photos than bonding with your partners just for social media perfection. Learn to know your partner outside social media and enjoy it.
