White house under threat!


Elder Lister
btw is there a chance FBI ikujie mtu kama huyu?
People joke, but the USA is not very good at detecting nuance and acting accordingly. Unlike us, they would not know that this guy is more worried about the bed-bugs in his bed than burning anything.

When wrongly triggered, the FBI, ATF, CIA and others have a tendency to act way out of proportion. Examples in their own domestic conflicts abound:

1. Ruby Ridge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge, which partly triggered:
2. Waco Texas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege , which in turn fed:
3. Timothy McVeigh: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh

In the first two cases, threats that could easily have been diffused went out of hand when trigger-happy snipers and military-grade weaponry were brought in. In the last case, the bureaucracies and the racist notion that terrorists must have a beard and a turban caused the intelligence to lapse, with devastating consequences.