What is the longest distance you have walked


Elder Lister
Walking long distance is OK when done willingly. It becomes memorable when circumstances push us positive or negstive.
Instance 1, back in the day walking from ABC place on waiyaki to ngong road Adam's that was fun.
Instance 2, El Nino hits, you get to city center, no vehicles, walk to kilimani...
This becomes fun later in life, walking from town to kilimani as you grow older.
The most frustrating to date was when I was forced to walk from my place of work last year during covid after a long shift with a heavy laptop in my hand due to no public transport.
Reached my place drenched in sweat.

It's Me Scumbag

Elder Lister
Ni kama you used to take a chopper to your lectures while mere bipedal mortals like me burnt in the sun.
Boss,KU nilikua naenda specifically for the drinking dens at KM.
Singewezana na those distances...imagine the planning involved on when to wake up and how fast to walk if you need to have breakfast exactly at 7. Don't even get me started on lectures. In short,I wasn't at KU.


Elder Lister
When a kao tells you noo vaa,Ogopa!
Macha. Saw my cuzos preparing to go somewhere
asked them where they were going, and they pointed a red marram road in a distance
Ni tuuthi kasee?
Yi, I said
Long story short, that's how I walked from Mungala Machakos, to Mua hills.
On reaching, rascals decide they are walking back
Told them hata kwa dawa sirudi. Saitan
We took a mat back, with them calling me" Musomba vathei muno" all the way back.
Musomba ni kambodian amepotelea mwambasa!


I walked from a village town called Logonot all the way to the ream of Mt. Longonot, circumvented the summit and walked back to Longonot town. The sound of a car engine was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard when I got back to Longonot town. I was too tired to sleep that night.


Elder Lister
When a kao tells you noo vaa,Ogopa!
Macha. Saw my cuzos preparing to go somewhere
asked them where they were going, and they pointed a red marram road in a distance
Ni tuuthi kasee?
Yi, I said
Long story short, that's how I walked from Mungala Machakos, to Mua hills.
On reaching, rascals decide they are walking back
Told them hata kwa dawa sirudi. Saitan
We took a mat back, with them calling me" Musomba vathei muno" all the way back.
Musomba ni kambodian amepotelea mwambasa!
Sema tuu wamekuita bure kabisa. I once walked from Sego to Nyaru a distance of 28 Kilometres uphill climb. The next day sikutoka Kwa kitanda and I had customers wa kununua viazi.


Elder Lister
Many years ago while in high school hapo Aquinas high, we stayed in Kibera( not kibra). Often kaa matha hana fare, in the morning i would walk from Laini saba to Jogoo road in Makadara and in the evening do the same..Those days it wasnt a biggie since we were an army of young energitic focussed boys
You definitely lived up to your school motto of Veni, Vidi, Vici.