Traditional methods of predicting the gender of a baby

Valentine's is over, whatever happened between the sheets is none of our business, but one thing for a fact is, if you didn’t use any method of contraceptive, sis, you might be pregnant and wondering what the gender of your bundle of joy would be, will it be a boy or a girl?

Due to curiosity, you’d like to know the gender of your baby before going to the hospital for medical confirmation.

I have highlighted several traditional and historical methods in which you can determine the sex of your baby at home.

These traditional methods are not 100% accurate, expectant mothers are advised to visit their doctors for an ultra-sound thrice before the baby is delivered for accuracy.

1. Cravings

It is believed that pregnant women have serious cravings on their first trimester or even till the end of the pregnancy. If a pregnant woman craves sweet food, then she is expecting a girl, if the cravings are of spicy and or salty foods then she is expecting a boy. A pregnant woman is also believed to be expecting a boy if she takes more calories.

2. Mood swings

Mood swings are part of pregnancies, but it is believed if a pregnant woman has major mood swings and doesn’t want people around her then she is expecting a girl, if she is having trouble controlling and managing her temper and anger then she is expecting a boy.

3. Month in which she conceived

If the woman conceives in an odd month then she is expecting a girl, and if she conceives in an even month she is expecting a boy. For instance, those who got pregnant on Valentine’s day, according to this traditional method, should expect a boy since February is an even month.

4. Morning sickness

If a pregnant woman has a major morning sickness that she can’t do anything else but rest and vomit, then she is expecting a girl, if the morning sickness is manageable then she is expecting a boy.

5. Baking soda test

A pregnant woman can collect her first urine of the day in a jar and add the baking powder into it, if the solution bubbles and fizzes, then she is expecting a boy if the solution settles or remains the same, then she is expecting a girl.

6. Father’s weight

If the husband of the expectant mother adds weight during the pregnancy period the woman is expecting a boy, if the father’s weight remains the same then the mother is expecting a girl.

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