Today's Scripture

“You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach…”
(Isaiah 54:4, NIV)


In the Scripture, Isaac named his son Jacob, which means “trickster, deceiver, swindler,” and he became exactly that. Later in life, Jacob decided to confront his shameful past and change his life. One night the angel of the Lord told Jacob, “God is giving you a new name. You will be called Israel,” which means “a prince with God.” Instead of saying, “Jacob, shame on you,” He said, “Jacob, shame off you. I’ve called you to be a prince and reign in life.”

As with Jacob, you may be wearing negative labels that say addicted, washed up, undisciplined, not valuable, made too many mistakes, poor spouse, or bad parent. No, this is what grace is all about. None of us deserve it, but God says, “I’m removing the shame. I know who you are. I’m changing your name to redeemed, to forgiven, to prince, to princess, to highly favored. I’m going to make your life so rewarding, so fulfilling, so blessed, that you won’t even think about the shame.”

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that because of what Jesus has done on the cross, You remove the shame from my life. Thank You that You have made me into royalty and crowned me as highly favored, redeemed, and forgiven. I believe You have given me a new name and called me to reign in life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen