the new stupid kenyatalk admin

Alexa Fine

Eti one is supposed to register a new account (supposedly using a new email), Sign in, work through the maze to find the inbox, message the admins about your “lost” account, and what new email it should be tied to (keep in mind that a system that has integrity will need a unique email), then finally wait for god knows how long to get a response. But that’s not all, the admin has no way of knowing whether the account you’re laying claim to, is really yours!

Buana, watching guys who don’t know tech trying to administer it is like watching monkeys trying to drive a car.

Any system that has no integrity from the point of onboarding users is a complete bust.

The only thing i can give to them is that they at least seem to be a bit responsive, even if its only to lie to users that “kijiji iko chonjo”
Hahaha....that is crazy. Am not doing that. Wacha ikae.