The Batemi of Tanzania- The lost Mount Kenyans


Elder Lister
The Batemi or Sonjo are a small ethnic group inhabiting the Arusha region of Northern Tanzania. Although they have absorbed considerable cultural influences from the much larger Maasai community that surrounds them, they still retain language elements indicative of a recent migration from the Mount Kenya region. Here is a sample recording of the Batemi language, containing many archaic words identifiable only by language enthusiasts.

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Elder Lister
If you are a lover of history like I am, and read the records by the Portuguese people who had colonised part of the Kenyan coast in the 1500's, they talk of a fearsome community inland of Kenya known as the Segeju, it's claimed that it's the corruption of the name Thagichu owned by the Mt Kenya people, and the Segeju and neighbouring ethnic communities of northern tz that's why Kioko, mungai, wambura, mutie, kariuki are common name over there, it's claimed that it broke into the numerous Bantu people who were later convinced that they came from Cameroon-Congo forest and thus they could be easily disposed off their lands.