Supreme Court chronicles


Elder Lister
The technology utilized has some gaps like a streaming results service. Such a service would beat fake news because it would automatically updates the cumulative sum for each candidate. Anomalies would be easy to detect using the scanned and physical 34A as well as the audit logs.
Listen to Denis Nkarichia


Elder Lister
You cannot nulify an election based on outlier errors especially if they don't make a difference in the 50+1.
IEBC generated an error report and all these things should be documented there. Once a quantitative analysis is done and the errors isolated, I assume they will try to see if those errors will affect the final tally. If not, I don't see how they can nulify.

After all there is no election that is perfect where people are involved, whether through gross negligence or active electoral malpractice.
Errors are acceptable, that's why we have torelance !


Elder Lister
Did IEBC prove their case regarding SOK issue#7 of 50%+1 vote ?
I have not seen the evidence that they did.
Having lined up to vote in my village from 7.00am and voted at 4.00pm due to KIEMS kit failures, I want to know if my ONE vote counted.