Red flags to look for when you are getting into a long-term relationship

Shogun Toranaga

New Lister
According to Urban Dictionary, a 'red flag' is a term used to describe when somebody has a feeling that they are potentially dealing with a manipulative and/or possibly psychotic or sociopathic individual. This term is mostly ascribed to relationships that are more often than not intimate.

The list below cites some behaviours that can be seen as potential red flags in a person you may be having a relationship with.Let's begin;

They never apologize for bad behavior.
If they do something wrong or something to hurt you, but never accept responsibility for the issue and rather just throw up excuses to why that behavior is okay or how it’s different in this case.

They think all their exes are crazy and don’t see the common denominator.
If your partner thinks all their exes are psycho and need a therapist, they probably don’t see the common denominator is themselves.

They use ultimatums to get their way.
If they are stubborn and threaten to end your relationship, instead of coming to a compromise, it will get tiring.

When they don’t text you back quick, but are always on their phone.
If you text your partner and it takes them ages to respond, yet when they are with you, they are never off their phone, that may be something to think about.

They keep score about things you’ve said a long time ago.
They keep bringing up old things you’ve said, by mistake or even if you’ve forgotten saying it. Keeping
score gets old quick.

They are upset when you go and hang out with your friends or family over them.
This could lead to bigger issues down the road. Their discomfort with you hanging out with other people will not deteriorate, it will get bigger.

If they keep your relationship a secret.
People fall for it time and time again. If you haven’t met their friends, you’re not their partner.

They throw temper tantrums over little things.
Emotional stability is key in a long-term relationship and it’s a lot to deal with. If they have legitimate emotional issues, maybe they should see a psychiatrist. They should not be yelling at you, in person or by text message, multiple times per day.

They treat their family poorly.
Someone who is rude to their family, is not long-term relationship material.

They refuse to get close to your family.
They don’t make any effort to get to know your family, or the people who are important to you in your life.

You are the one who always apologizes to end fights.
People get tired, and there gets to be a point where the fighting is too much

They password protect all of their devices.
If you know their passwords and don’t start questioning you or watching over you while you are on their device, that’s another story.

They are rude and inconsiderate to service workers.
How do they treat the hostess if they don’t have the table you want, or waiter if your drinks are a few minutes late? How do they treat the door greeter or the taxi driver? Narcissism sucks and they will eventually treat you the same way.

They don’t show interest in what is important to you.
This is such a basic stepping stone; however, so many relationships move forward even when they don’t value what is important to each other.

They don’t pay compliments or thanks.
If you regularly do favors for your partner, your partner gets used to them and your favors start to become expectations.

They are extremely moody.
One minute they are pissed off at you for making a minor mistake, and the next minute they want to take cute photos and post them to Facebook.

They hold double standards.
If they don’t want to be treated the way they treat you, perhaps it’s time for a wake-up call.

How they act when they are drunk.
Being drunk removes inhibition. If a person is friendly to others, but rude when drunk, they hold a wall of inhibition to hide that side of them and pretend to be friendly when sober. How your partner acts when they’ve drunk too much will tell you who they are, regardless of what they try to tell you.

They like to head play games when they are upset.

They like the drama of fighting.
Every once in awhile, you’ll come across a girl who likes the drama because it adds excitement to her life. This is a bit more uncommon with guys. Sometimes it may seem like they push something minor into a fight, just because they want to.

They project their traits onto you and don’t see it.
Projection is a killer in relationships. If your partner is being sneaky, they will likely accuse you of being sneaky.

You are constantly a victim of verbal abuse.
How many times have you been called an idiot or an a**hole? Have you spoke to your partner the same way or is it just a one-way street of verbal abuse? It doesn’t matter if they love you and 6 days of the week are good, this will only get worse.

They are a completely new person after the honeymoon phase.
Everyone is a little overly soft in the first month or a few weeks of dating. Once you get through that, you start to see the real person. How much they change will set the course for what they’ll be like in the future.

They are nervous about texts or calls they receive.
Do they always place their phone face down? A quick Google search about why people place their phones face down brings up nothing but suspicion and shadiness.

They grew up with an unstable family life.
It can be quite intimidating knowing their role models in their younger years were not the best examples of a healthy relationship. The apple might not fall far from the tree.

They constantly scream and yell when angry.
We all great angry but most of us have ways of coping with it. When people repeat the same sentence, but in a louder voice, they are likely about to get violent with you.

They have an excuse for everything.
Cheating is never okay under any circumstance. Lying is never okay under any circumstance. Don’t let your partner use excuses to cover these or other mistakes they’ve made.