Raila has been castrated


Elder Lister
It is time for Raila to rise with his stature. Let others rise up to take the torch, he doesn't have the monopoly over maandamano in kenya.

We are seeing good effects of this, like the DP apologizing to the former president's family. Let's move beyond the politics of insults and demonizing other leaders/tribes to issue based politics. The economy has been damaged by politicians and kenyans are paying. We need a new direction economically


Elder Lister
Quote for the day

NO student of the KANU school of POLITICS will LIBERATE Kenya. We need an OUTLIER. KANU completely suppressed BOLDNESS in politicians, they only focus on OWNING LAND, CRONYISM, ECONOMIC DEVASTATION, GREED & HYPOCRISY in RELIGION
Kenyans are banging on a steel door that will NEVER open with bare feet, let alone getting injured.

-Buzeki Kiprop Bundootich.