Racism, tribalism, classism and other isms...are all fears by people who refuse to think


Elder Lister
I Have White Rage
Before you judge me, hear me out
B Kean
B Kean

Jun 27 · 4 min read

Photo by Maxim Tajer on Unsplash
I am raging.

To say I can’t take it anymore would suggest I am not in control of my emotions, my thoughts or my actions. I am in control, though, and that is why I rage so openly, so vociferously. I am so thoroughly sick of the discussions about racism and how it prevents us from being fully realized.

The “us” I refer to here, is “us, the white folks.” It a complete crock of feces to suggest that American society is somehow against us.

The rage is against white people whose incessant whining is supposed to draw attention to “our white burdens” in modern society. They whine, proselytize and abuse their power in Congressional hearings complaining about how mere discussions of state-sponsored racism, which began with the inception of our country and continues in many communities today, makes the lives of white people harder.

My rage is against the weakness of my white brothers and sisters. Their shortcomings are both manifested intellectually and physically. The weakness can be best seen in their inability to see the consequences of actions. They are scared — that’s what racism is, it’s fear. It’s weakness. It’s a belief that darkness is filled with demons and evil.

It’s utterly sickening the way the Republicans have latched their hopes for 2022 and beyond to the fake crisis of “critical race theory poisoning the minds of in-school youth.” This isn’t happening. It is a made up controversy by Fox News and now it is being manipulated to not only justify voter suppression in many states; but to also further bind together the stupid among my fellow whites.

It makes me rage against them. It makes me hate them. I have zero tolerance for racism. Am I free of that sin? Of course not. I was born and raised in America. I am white and I have used the “n” word in anger. The last time was when I was 17. That was decades ago — I was arguing with a fellow student and let it fly figuring it was the best way I could hurt him.

It did hurt him. I was (and still am) ashamed. I learned though. I did my best to make amends as I moved onward through my life. Racism is inexcusable. It’s a choice people make. A child learns it and an adult is just being intellectually lazy — dumb — for continuing it.

I rage against all of you, white, Christian nationalists; against Republicans who think voter suppression is somehow good for America. I rage against anyone who thinks that talking about how our country’s 245 years of hating on Black people is somehow divisive.

Why wasn’t red-lining divisive? Why wasn’t segregation divisive? Why wasn’t Trump’s support for white nationalists divisive? Why aren’t the suppressive laws designed to prevent minorities from voting divisive? How can asking these questions be divisive?! How can you melt so readily, snowflake, when all we do is ask these questions?

I know how: because my fellow white brothers and sisters are weak. They are whiners and spoiled. They are sore losers. The Republican Party builds its power base on divisiveness and hate because it is a failed political movement. It is intellectually bankrupt offering absolutely zero for the solving of our most pressing problems.

Many of my more hateful white brothers and sisters are suffering economically; and, while Democrats try to, say, slow the concentration of wealth that causes debilitating income inequality, the Republicans obstruct them thus preventing any legislation, or programs, from passing that might actually help Main Street. Then, rather than blame their failed polices for the suffering of their constituents, policies which only benefit the super rich, they say things like “racism against white Americans” is the cause. They blame critical race theory, which really no one but Fox, and the dumbest of the dumb in the Republican Party, is talking about.

I am raging. I rage against ignorance and my fellow white brothers and sisters who choose hate over love. No Black person is taking your job. Your refusal to think makes you feel they are. You insistence on voting for Republicans makes you think they are. If you dared to challenge the lies of the Republicans, of Fox News, you would see that what you suffer from is not related to race. It is related to class.

The problem is, they have you so perfectly worked up into a hateful froth that you are blinded. You are destroying us. You are embarrassing the rest of us white folks.

Turn off your Fox News and dare to think for yourselves white people before evolution decides we are not needed and made obsolete.


Elder Lister
Read that and now imagine that there are black (even Kenyan!) people who actually side with the white, often Conservative nationalists in this never-ending discussion.


Elder Lister
I Have White Rage
Before you judge me, hear me out
B Kean
B Kean

Jun 27 · 4 min read

Photo by Maxim Tajer on Unsplash
I am raging.

To say I can’t take it anymore would suggest I am not in control of my emotions, my thoughts or my actions. I am in control, though, and that is why I rage so openly, so vociferously. I am so thoroughly sick of the discussions about racism and how it prevents us from being fully realized.

The “us” I refer to here, is “us, the white folks.” It a complete crock of feces to suggest that American society is somehow against us.

The rage is against white people whose incessant whining is supposed to draw attention to “our white burdens” in modern society. They whine, proselytize and abuse their power in Congressional hearings complaining about how mere discussions of state-sponsored racism, which began with the inception of our country and continues in many communities today, makes the lives of white people harder.

My rage is against the weakness of my white brothers and sisters. Their shortcomings are both manifested intellectually and physically. The weakness can be best seen in their inability to see the consequences of actions. They are scared — that’s what racism is, it’s fear. It’s weakness. It’s a belief that darkness is filled with demons and evil.

It’s utterly sickening the way the Republicans have latched their hopes for 2022 and beyond to the fake crisis of “critical race theory poisoning the minds of in-school youth.” This isn’t happening. It is a made up controversy by Fox News and now it is being manipulated to not only justify voter suppression in many states; but to also further bind together the stupid among my fellow whites.

It makes me rage against them. It makes me hate them. I have zero tolerance for racism. Am I free of that sin? Of course not. I was born and raised in America. I am white and I have used the “n” word in anger. The last time was when I was 17. That was decades ago — I was arguing with a fellow student and let it fly figuring it was the best way I could hurt him.

It did hurt him. I was (and still am) ashamed. I learned though. I did my best to make amends as I moved onward through my life. Racism is inexcusable. It’s a choice people make. A child learns it and an adult is just being intellectually lazy — dumb — for continuing it.

I rage against all of you, white, Christian nationalists; against Republicans who think voter suppression is somehow good for America. I rage against anyone who thinks that talking about how our country’s 245 years of hating on Black people is somehow divisive.

Why wasn’t red-lining divisive? Why wasn’t segregation divisive? Why wasn’t Trump’s support for white nationalists divisive? Why aren’t the suppressive laws designed to prevent minorities from voting divisive? How can asking these questions be divisive?! How can you melt so readily, snowflake, when all we do is ask these questions?

I know how: because my fellow white brothers and sisters are weak. They are whiners and spoiled. They are sore losers. The Republican Party builds its power base on divisiveness and hate because it is a failed political movement. It is intellectually bankrupt offering absolutely zero for the solving of our most pressing problems.

Many of my more hateful white brothers and sisters are suffering economically; and, while Democrats try to, say, slow the concentration of wealth that causes debilitating income inequality, the Republicans obstruct them thus preventing any legislation, or programs, from passing that might actually help Main Street. Then, rather than blame their failed polices for the suffering of their constituents, policies which only benefit the super rich, they say things like “racism against white Americans” is the cause. They blame critical race theory, which really no one but Fox, and the dumbest of the dumb in the Republican Party, is talking about.

I am raging. I rage against ignorance and my fellow white brothers and sisters who choose hate over love. No Black person is taking your job. Your refusal to think makes you feel they are. You insistence on voting for Republicans makes you think they are. If you dared to challenge the lies of the Republicans, of Fox News, you would see that what you suffer from is not related to race. It is related to class.

The problem is, they have you so perfectly worked up into a hateful froth that you are blinded. You are destroying us. You are embarrassing the rest of us white folks.

Turn off your Fox News and dare to think for yourselves white people before evolution decides we are not needed and made obsolete.
@Mwalimu-G ,
Mwarimu mkuu hebu reta rink.


Elder Lister
@Mwalimu-G ,
Mwarimu mkuu hebu reta rink.
It came via subscription let me see kama nitaweza.


It's Me Scumbag

Elder Lister
It came via subscription let me see kama nitaweza.

Very good place. This Medium.