Over to you Mountaineers

Tiiga Waana

Elder Lister
A time comes when a Community must take stock of the happenstances habituating their existence and make informed and deliberate decisions whether to change course or press well ahead.

For the first time in 20 years since Moi era, many Children from the Mountain will not be proceeding to Secondary Schools as their parents won’t afford the fees.
This was a bridge many thought we had crossed as a Country - that every child will have access to post-primary education.
The present Government through its ignorantly thought-out economic policies, massive corruption and punitive tax regime is all to blame.

I have also noticed that unlike in the past when there were buildings springing up all over, businesses and investments opening up, all our towns and shopping centres are mute and desolate.
Our Coffee and Tea no longer give us the sustenance and comforts we once enjoyed thanks to Government’s interference.

Worst of all, many families are really struggling to afford the basics of life. And this while those in power are gobbling and devouring the best of the land, belching out foul smells and lying through their teeth that our economy has at last been stabilised. “We have never had it so good” they keep shouting from their new and shiny fleets of guzzlers.

This new year must be a defining moment for the Mountain. We must rise up and chart out a new way of thinking and stop being taken for granted. The present regime doesn’t perceive us as equal partners. Which is why the nouveau riche aren’t us but them.

Tiiga Waana

Elder Lister
To add insult to injury there is also a pandemic brewing in the Mountain which if not contained will decimate a generation.
Owing to the fact that Horticulture and Agriculture are no longer viable as income sources, many youngsters have taken to cheap liquors and loitering about.
You see them wobbling and staggering on the shopping centres and village paths from as early as 8 am.
The funny bit is that JSKS and Kachakwa had promised to address this menace.
Seems like as in all other promises they gave, delivery will never see the light of day.