Nightmares-Supper Relationship


Elder Lister
Have just woken up from a nightmare. This has happened on various occasions and today I figured out that this happens whenever:
1) I have taken a heavy supper rich in carbohydrates
2) I do nothing after supper -no reading, sex, etc.

So nimefanya some little research and found this. Thought I should share.
Nightmares- supper relationship

Good morning.


Elder Lister
The study they are quoting showed a 9.5% correlation which is very weak. Luhyas and kale eat ugali for cabohydrates every supper and don't get nightmares
The people you mentioned are known for vigorous nocturnal activities. So they burn the nightmare-inducing carbs well before sleep

Deleted member 37

M y dream patterns are not affected by what I eat......

Good morning.