Mumefungia Ruto, Ame Unleash Khupipi


Elder Lister
Hema tatu hiyo junction ya prestige, sijui ziko ngapi around Nairobi

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Elder Lister
Kennedy Odede, who spent his childhood in Kibera, dreamed of bringing a better quality of life and greater opportunities to the people of Kibera. He founded Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO) to help provide critical services for all, including clean water, health care, education and economic empowerment for women and girls. His story was recently featured on BBC, which can be viewed here.
Pentair has been a key partner in helping Odede achieve his vision. In collaboration with SHOFCO, Pentair and the Pentair Foundation recently completed a multi-year endeavor to expand access to safe drinking water in Kibera through the implementation of water filtration technology and a cutting-edge aerial piping system to sustainably deliver clean water to residents....
. Uiliam anaingilia wapi hapa?