MP who Urinated In Parliament


Elder Lister
Staff member
The parliament also known as the August House is the most important and distinguished house of any country. The revered and respected people (waheshimiwa) discuss national issues in the house. Kenyan parliament is bicameral,that is,consists of two houses national assembly and senate. According to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 the duties of members of parliament are representing their electorates, making laws and checking the executive.

MPs are expected to maintain discipline and dignity in the house. Some members however nowadays do not respect the house anymore. We have seen them fighting on the floor of the house severally.

Bernard Mate

Image: courtesy

One member holds a dubious distinction for peeing on the floor of the house. Bernard Mate,former MP of Meru Central, relieved himself once in the house, a move that shocked the speaker Humphrey Slade and other members.

When asked to explain his actions,he answered that he thought he was in Meru where people were forced to relieve themselves in their houses due to the fear of Shifta Bandits. Shiftas were a group of millitant Somalis who were fighting to have North Eastern province seccede to join the Somalia Republic.

What followed were severe attacky by the Kenya defence forces and Kenya police which completely extinguished the Shifta threat.

Mate's admirers argued that his actions were a rare show of political genius while his enemies on the other hand, argued that he was too drunk to know he was in parliament.

Mate was an alumni of Alliance High school, Makerere University and University of Edinburgh Scotland. He was elected in Legco in 1957 before independence to represent central district of The British Protectorate of Kenya. He was elected to serve as MP of Meru Central between 1965-1979. He died in 1994.