Mjengo Chronicles


Habari ya senators. An elder here has embarked on the journey of telling my landlord goodbye. But naona the person anasimamia mjengo ananipea varied quotes for structural engineer. See pictures attached. House will sit on a quarter acre. 4 BR. I am new to these things. Nagongwa ama ni legit?

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-19 at 08.44.34.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-08-19 at 08.45.06.jpeg


Elder Lister
Sijui kama unagongwa but it should not be just about rubber-stamping the process na mambo ya approvals. He should put in the work to ensure that you get what you are aspiring for. How about you find out how many other projects he has worked on? If you are going to spend that money, make sure it serves its purpose and not just a formality. The importance of taking all the necessary steps becomes apparent many years later.