

Elder Lister

Yule myamaa stowaway ni wa ingoo. Enyewe weed ya pale Luanda takes the cake. You are working at the airport for gods sake you can't be that s.tupid.


Elder Lister

Yule myamaa stowaway ni wa ingoo. Enyewe weed ya pale Luanda takes the cake. You are working at the airport for gods sake you can't be that s.tupid.
Apparently he was a very down to earth kind of a guy.

(Joke of the day!..... Kikikikkkk!....)


Elder Lister
jobs in UK pay way better than what he was earning here so he probably thought his plan would succeed even though he wouldn't go past the airport huko
they do pay better yes.. but its not worth dying for and cleaning planes in uk would not make him rich.. if he ever got the right papers to get employed