Man & His Twin Daughters Die in Road Accident While Looking For High School Admission in Mombasa


Elder Lister
Staff member
The family of KEBS North Eastern Regional Manager Ahmed Antar and his twin daughters are in a sombre mood after their kins got involved in a ghastly road accident when they left Garissa for Mombasa.

According to a local daily, Mr Antar was taking his daughters for an interview at the Sheikh Khalifa Secondary School in Mombasa. They had scored over 400 marks in the just-released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

The vehicle was also carrying two other people who had asked for a lift in the deceased’s vehicle. The accident claimed all five occupants when the unfortunate incident happened at Hola on the Mombasa-Garissa Highway.

Dertu division chief Mohamed Buul, a close friend of the family, confirmed the incident and said that the car hit a lorry. He also said that the bodies were taken to Mombasa County where they have all were buried.

“In total, there were five people in the vehicle because Antar [the deceased] had given a lift to two more people,” Buul said.
(Pic ziko gori sana sitaweka)