KG Group: If it Walks like a Duck....


Elder Lister
There is a scam of the order of Deci in the making by an organization calling itself KG Group. These guys have Facebook ads for position for online work. The work involves "processing" orders for Jumia, Amazon, Kilimall, etc. They are apparently registered in New York since 2006.

When you register at no cost, you are made an intern and you process 10 orders daily at a pay of 20bob per order. After three days, you have earned 600 and they give you a bonus of 400. So you get 1k. This is paid to your M-Pesa. Promptly.

The catch is that if you need to continue working, you have to upgrade your account to VIP status. This involves paying 6k, and that enables you to process 5 orders at 60bob each, thus earning you 300 daily. There are other VIP levels with higher earnings.

So, I registered, and I got my 1k. Time for upgrading, I asked some questions.
Like why does someone have to pay? Why can't they allow free accounts to process more orders and deduct the money from the pay of this is to meet an admin expense.
I got all sort of answers, all of which smell like a duck, walk like a duck, quack like a duck and therefore is definitely a scam.
Talkers, beware.



Elder Lister
Na si ushareguster na ukakula thao yako. Which means you processed orders? What orders did you process? Explain musuri,I got some idle cash...

Unaona hapo kwa task hall, you click on one of the vendors. Inakupatia picha za items with a submit button. You hit the button and your account is credited with 20 bob. Just like that.


Elder Lister