Kenyanlist Membership Churn

Ngimanene na Muchere

Elder Lister
As @Okiya once pointed out about membership there`s something going on here. This are the current forum statistics as of posting this

Forum statistics
Threads24,358Messages312,073Members16,690Latest memberMzeeWaKijiji , with about 11 members online currently. This is a terribly high churn rate (>90%)given that the number of active participants here is utmost 20 members. Churn kills like cancer, and this here is at best stage 3 heading to 4 if not at stage 4 already. Will be a really expensive adventure to turn this around.

There are difficult strategy questions needed to address this churn, @Meria, this will kill you.


Elder Lister
Staff member
As @Okiya once pointed out about membership there`s something going on here. This are the current forum statistics as of posting this

Forum statistics
Threads24,358Messages312,073Members16,690Latest memberMzeeWaKijiji , with about 11 members online currently. This is a terribly high churn rate (>90%)given that the number of active participants here is utmost 20 members. Churn kills like cancer, and this here is at best stage 3 heading to 4 if not at stage 4 already. Will be a really expensive adventure to turn this around.

There are difficult strategy questions needed to address this churn, @Meria, this will kill you.
nilifutwa job


Elder Lister
For instance, how is @mkurugenzi user 25,166 in the kijiji? 🤔
We also have a lot of generic usernames assigned to non-existing accounts.

Maybe I'm srooow but something truly doesn't add up Admean

Ole Waru

Elder Lister
there is a toxic culture here of name calling if you don't support the common ideal, the administration is shy to take action, its numbers will continue to go down.