JWST Image(s)


Elder Lister
Fellow astronomists, what can you tell about this picture?
Psalm 91:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of His hands.

By the way, this is the first image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope brimming with galaxies and offers the deepest look of the cosmos ever captured.


Elder Lister
The Universe is exceedingly fascinating. I, for one, feel underwhelmed by this 1st shot and anticipate even better ones. The darn thing cost $10B
"Thousands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrared – have appeared in Webb’s view for the first time. This slice of the vast universe covers a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground."

Boss si you are difficult to impress?
But if you were to see the twinkle in @Female Perspective's eyes you would be overwhelmed.


Elder Lister
"Thousands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrared – have appeared in Webb’s view for the first time. This slice of the vast universe covers a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground."
Oh, I hadn't read up on what that particular shot entailed. Sande