July ban on phones with old web address systems


Elder Lister

CA will from July ban the sale of Internet-connecting devices such as mobile phones, computers, printers, and scanners that do not have the capability for the new Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
About 99 per cent of all Internet devices globally are still using IPv4 and just one per cent have migrated to IPv6.
“All Internet connecting devices must at least contain IPv6 capability for them to be type approved for marketing and use in Kenya,” said the CA in a notice.


I am not a Futurama fan .

CA will from July ban the sale of Internet-connecting devices such as mobile phones, computers, printers, and scanners that do not have the capability for the new Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
About 99 per cent of all Internet devices globally are still using IPv4 and just one per cent have migrated to IPv6.
“All Internet connecting devices must at least contain IPv6 capability for them to be type approved for marketing and use in Kenya,” said the CA in a notice.
Alafu utasikia all the new ETRs are not compliant with this IPV6 monster and some will bring container loads of the newer version .
NTSA imekuwa na hii upuzi for many years introducing new speed governor everytime wakijiskia .