How to prepare yummy ndengu

While we are all on self-quarantine, we are advised to stock up enough foodstuffs incase of a lockdown.

The first food I have stocked up is ndengu, and here's how you can prepare a yummy and tasty ndengu.

Ndengu helps to fight breast cancer, has low cholesterol and is rich in protein.


1/4kg Ndegu( Well picked)

1 tomato

1 onion

1 cup of milk


Cooking oil

Spices of your choice


Once your ndengu is well picked, boil water in a sufuria or heater

While the water is boiling, wash the ndengu thoroughly

Once the water is boiled, add the washed ndengu and let it boil (Ndegu takes approximately 30 minutes to boil)

While the Ndegu is cooking/boiling, chop the tomato and onion into separate bowls

Once the ndengu is well cooked, drain the remaining water and put the cooked ndengu into a bowl

Put your sizable sufuria into a source of heat, add enough cooking oil

Once the oil is moderately heated, add chopped onion and stir

Add chopped tomato, salt and preferred species then stir until it forms a paste

Add half a cup of water in your paste, leave it to boil for a minute

Once the paste is thick enough, add the well-cooked ndengu and stir

Let it cook for five minutes while you stir it regularly

Once ndengu mixes well with your paste, add one cup of milk and stir

Ndengu needs to be regularly stirred to prevent it from sticking on the sufuria

Once you are satisfied with the mixture, lower your heat and let it cook for a few minutes

Serve hot with chapati, rice, bread or ugali



Elder Lister
This process is too long. Let me make it brief:
1. Wash and boil the ndengu until they are soft but not crushed.
2. Cut onions, tomatoes, dhania and bell pepper and fry them in moderate temperature in oil for five minutes.
3. Pour in your ndengu and add salt and water and let them simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Remove from the fire and serve with rice, chapattis or ugali.


Senior Lister
This process is too long. Let me make it brief:
1. Wash and boil the ndengu until they are soft but not crushed.
2. Cut onions, tomatoes, dhania and bell pepper and fry them in moderate temperature in oil for five minutes.
3. Pour in your ndengu and add salt and water and let them simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Remove from the fire and serve with rice, chapattis or ugali.
ugali tena, chief?


Senior Lister
Heaven sent chief. Kama knockdown itacome ni kuambia mama hio recipe yako na mambo inasonga mbele.