How are you preparing for COVID-19

Ole Waru

Elder Lister
hii kitu ikifika kenya we are going to have massive disruption, this is how i am preparing:
  • Stocking up on non perishable grains and cereals, rice and beans...
  • stock piling Basic medication, piriton, paracetamol, antibiotics, the last thing you want ni kuenda hosi ukiumwa na kichwa utoke na corona
  • booze
  • small solar power kit
  • important documents in carry bag for quick exit
  • Cash stash, i don't expect banks and mpesa to work in case of full blown crisis
  • extra toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, toothbrushes, you don't want to go out shopping with corona virus around
how are you preparing?


Elder Lister
I have a colleague who went accepted a PhD scholarship to study in China, he is coming for a project in June, in the WhatsApp messenger everyone has promised to dispatch him to his maker if he comes visit our forest station.


Elder Lister
Your plan isn't to protect yourself, rather its to hibanet.
What you need to do is simple, avoid body contact with people, sanitize your working area, regular wash your hands, get some hand sanitizer.
These are the only important things, wgat you've pointed out are panic moves and secondary to what I've listed.

Denis Young

Elder Lister
Your plan isn't to protect yourself, rather its to hibanet.
What you need to do is simple, avoid body contact with people, sanitize your working area, regular wash your hands, get some hand sanitizer.
These are the only important things, wgat you've pointed out are panic moves and secondary to what I've listed.
You know it is airborne, don't you?

Denis Young

Elder Lister
That's why sanitazation is important
How would that help if someone sneezes or coughs in a room you are in? Even the masks they are wearing are not really meant to stop you from inhaling the pathogen rather stop your aerosol spray when you cough. Basically stop you from infecting others with your cough. Isolation is the only way.


Elder Lister
Wasn't it described as airborne a few weeks ago ama they changed that?
Things are moving really fast on this one, it's hard to tell what it really is as information comes from very many unofficial places.
Though the last official info I came across was from the Singapore parliament and that's where the masks not being very effective story came from.