High End cotton shirts available


Elder Lister
An effective sale advert should contain:
WHAT you are selling (complete detailed details)
HOW MUCH you are selling it
WHERE AT you are selling it (business location or how the customer will access the item).

An advert that lacks these three elements eliminates a majority of potential customers. You have to remember that people are busy, sometimes doing nothing, and were not exactly waiting for you to post adverts so that they can engage.


Elder Lister
An effective sale advert should contain:
WHAT you are selling (complete detailed details)
HOW MUCH you are selling it
WHERE AT you are selling it (business location or how the customer will access the item).

An advert that lacks these three elements eliminates a majority of potential customers. You have to remember that people are busy, sometimes doing nothing, and were not exactly waiting for you to post adverts so that they can engage.