Hasslers lives matters


Elder Lister
They are beneficiaries, they cannot cut off a major artery.
Realistically, how many vehicles would be left on our roads if the same laws were enforced universally? The blame here lies on the police and other agencies that watched the menace grow despite constant complaints from the public. We are now trying to top-dress a vice that has already sunk deep taproots.


Elder Lister
Sasa when they fight the menace mnalia, mnataka nini?

Operations on motor vehicles have been happening, very regularly. Sijui how you keep you motor vehicles, but I ensure niko na d.l, my insurance is up to date, na vitu kama triangles ziko, wipers working, tires in good condition e.t.c e.t.c
Triangles gani ? :LOL: :LOL: :(


Elder Lister
Like any society Quenia is stratified economically. Anything you say or do if you come from low caste is looked down upon.