Hadi POTUS ametambua Bottom Up!


Elder Lister
What do you understand by the term "producing for export"? It means anything that brings money into our country, from outside.
I could be doing online work for someone in Europe, from the (dis)comfort of my pigsty, and getting a few dollars end month. That is producing for export.
A tourist who comes to see our animals or sample Kenyan puthy is also coming from outside to buy our product- essentially, we are exporting.

And I tell you something?
That dirry tirries you see bedding a diaper-cladded mzungu of your age does more good for the Kenyan economy than that local mega-hardware owner who imports shit from china to sell locally.

But a dinouser like you can't comprehend such.
Mtu anaamka na matusi !
Porcupines nyinyi wote ni majegee !
By the way how do these porcupines procreate ?
We can export them to China and earn foreign currency !


Elder Lister
Damn thread took a turn and has morphed into how we can develop our great country.This are the kind of discourse that make this place great!
Would want echo sentiments said by previous posters concerning sequence of development (agrarian-industrial-service).However I feel if we did these as a regional block and take advantage of each other’s comparative advantage we would do it faster.Also it would be harder to bullied by status quo(read west) who obviously would like our part of the world to remain impoverished!