Gaming laptop vs building your own PC


New Lister
Which one would you go for high intensive computing tasks e.g. gaming, VR, ML?

The gaming laptop would come with everything you need, but with limited customization options, but with a building your own PC, while you have more flexibility, you have to go through quite a hassle to get all the required parts (like importation)

Ole Waru

Elder Lister
Building all the way, with Part picker you can be sure the parts are compatible plus you have the flexibility of planning for an upgrade in the future. If a component like the gpu or cpu dies on a laptop the whole thing is gone, that's not a good thing.
Cooling is another important thing, there is no way you can get good cooling on a laptop, you'll just be carrying a heater.


New Lister
Building all the way, with Part picker you can be sure the parts are compatible plus you have the flexibility of planning for an upgrade in the future. If a component like the gpu or cpu dies on a laptop the whole thing is gone, that's not a good thing.
Cooling is another important thing, there is no way you can get good cooling on a laptop, you'll just be carrying a heater.
I agree, cooling is such an important consideration for high performance computing